
United States – The new way of surfing comes from the United States.

A famous Californian company, Kai Concepts, has recently developed a revolutionary idea like few others, which is already literally making a splash all over the world.

It is a “ Jetfoiler ”, a particular and unusual surfboard, to which the wing of a hydrofoil and an electric motor have been attached.

And the result, you wonder, what is it?

Well, certainly a unique way of surfing, without wind, without ideal waves and without even touching the surface of the water; it will give you the feeling of surfing, but flying.

The board has been made with the same materials used in the construction of racing boats  and also has a remote control that is able to manage power, very similar to that of motorized skateboards.

There is still no precise information on the price of the product and its date of marketing, because in any case it is still a prototype that needs to be perfected, but we certainly have no doubts that it will soon become one of the new summer trends. Moreover, it should also be added that this company has always been dedicated to innovation related to water sports, in fact in recent years it had created a surprising trimaran pulled by a kite and named it “Kite Boat”, capable of reaching a speed three times higher than that of the wind that pushes it.

We will see in the future what other bizarre and brilliant solutions the world of water sports will have in store to amaze us again.

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